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Hair of the Dogcast

A podcast about Video Games and Beer.  And Beer and Video Games.

Hair of the Dogcast is a family of podcasts celebrating our love for gaming and craft beer.  Our show include the following:

The Dogcast - The classic, tried and true.  The Dogcast covers the most recent news and developments in the gaming world.  We discuss what we have been playing and have a light topic discussion.

Raw Dogs - The Raw Dogs like to go deep.  Deep discussions in lore, development, and gameplay.  Single topic.  Deep discussion.

Elden Dogs - An Elden Ring podcast series that explores the deep world-building and gameplay scenarios presented by this rich video game.  We couldn't help ourselves and had to make a 20 part series to celebrate this game.

Beer and Now - Welcome to Beer and Now, our new podcast series about the exciting world of craft beer and the people who make it happen.

Mar 19, 2018

Time to grow up, all you Toys 'R Us kids! Geoffrey the Giraffe forgot to pay the bills, so all the stores are shutting down. But, please, dry your eyes. There's no need to cry when there's so much glorious beer to drink and other video game stuff to talk about!

Join the Dogcast boys this week as we share our favorite Toys 'R Us moments and long for the days where buying a video game required you you to take a piece of paper to a person in a closet filled with all the video games at the front of the store. Ahhhh, those were the days.

And for the love of god, someone make more peanut butter beer! PLEEEEASSEE??!!!

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